
There are TONS of perks to living in the desert over the summer.
 Swimming weather 24 hours.
Monsoon season, which results in a lot of rain, and the delicious smell of fresh water on hot pavement.
could i get an amen if you feel me?
But one of my favorite .. and i mean FAVORITE things in this life, is  
Summer nights in the desert. 
scenes from Independence Day. The 4th of July if you will. In the desert lighting stuff up.
you can barely catch a glimpse of the ear to ear grin on my face. Love this country. Love this City. Love the nighttime.
The night is known for its darkness. And i respect that about it all. I mean, we gotta sleep in the ‘dark’… but I adore how you are never truly in the dark in this city. Street light. cars. buildings.
windows always down.
some may not appreciate it because you cant see the stars. And yes, i miss the stars from time to time. But i cant help but be addicted to these stars. May be man-made, but they are beautiful.
Live and Acoustic. The sweet lullaby to summer nights 2011. This song genuinely gives me chills, even when its 90 degrees outside at 12:37 at night.
desert summer nights
can’t shake it til you’ve tried it